Full course description
Dental Laser Certification
Course Requirements: Must be a registered dental hygienist to utilize this certification in states that permit laser use by dental hygienists.
Course Modality: This course is offered online with one in-person session. This course will utilize Canvas, an online learning management system. Upon registration, please visit your student dashboard to access Canvas.
Course Instructor: Chadleo Webb and Vicki Penna
Cost: $400
For registered NAU students, faculty, and staff with an @nau.edu email address, please click “Login” at the top right corner of the page and log in using your NAU credentials. Do not create a new Catalog account.
For more information, contact: ContinuingEd@nau.edu
Chadleo Webb is an assistant clinical professor at NAU. He has practiced dental hygiene for over a decade and has a passion for lasers in dentistry. Chadleo co-created this course in 2020 and has taught it ever since.
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